Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Threats: There are no major threats known today; however, barriers to dispersal, including roads and habitat fragmentation due to agricultural development, may have negative effects on the population of Fulvous Harvest Mice.
This is the life cycle of a Fulvous Harvest Mouse.

Description of Fulvous Harvest Mouse

Description: It is a fairly small mouse. The tail is  much longer than head and body.The inside of it's ears are covered with reddish brown hairs. It's fur color is a reddish brown, just like it's ears. The   average total length of the Fulvous Harvest Mouse is 165 mm. Its tail is 93 mm long. The weight of a Fulvous Harvest Mouse ranges from 14-30 grams and an average of about 18 grams.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Diet: . The fulvous harvest mouse mostly is a vegetarian, eating seeds, tender sections of grasses and fruits, but occasionally it will eat insects.The fulvous harvest mice eat invertebrates when they are available which is during the spring and summer, and switch to seeds in fall and winter. In captivity, they eat about one-third of their own weight in food daily. The fulvous harvest mouse also eat some insect larva. It seems to enjoy butterfly larvae the best though. In captivity fulvous harvest mice are offered a complete diet of rodent lab blocks, and rat or mouse mix, with bits of fruit or veggies regularly and sometimes cheeros or wheet bread.

Fulvous Harvest Mouse

This is the Fulvous Harvest Mouse (Reithrodontomys fulvescens)

Habitat: Fulvous Harvest mice live in grassy or weedy areas with shrubs, or in creek with grasses, vines, and bushes. It's rare but some times they live in blackland prairies which are the home of the smaller fulvous harvest mouse. In favored habitat they travel from place to place on their own small trails or use those of their animal. The Fulvous Harvest mouse is nocturnal. When cool the fulvous harvest mouse travels above ground through low vegetation and when it is hot and dry it burrows under ground. the fulvous harvest mouse's shelter usally is a underground burrows or many fulvous harvest mice  have penthouses in bushes above the ground. These arboreal homes may be converted birds’ nests or completely of the mouse’s own architecture. These Mice are good climbers, and build baseball-sized nests up off the ground.  Winter nests are sturdier than summer nests.